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Zhongwei city, Ningxia,China  

2009-08-15 19:43:21|  分类: 旅游摄影 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Chinese Name: 中卫市 (zhōng wèi shì)

Population: 1,148,500  

Area: 16,986 square kilometers (6,558 square miles) 

Nationalities: Hui, Han 

Administrative Division: 1 district (Shapotou); 2 counties (Zhongning, Haining) 

Useful Telephone Numbers: Tourist Complaints: 0953-7012620

                                          Weather Forecast: 121

                                           Zip Code Inquiry: 184

Location: Zhongwei City lies in west-central Ningxia Province, bordered by Gansu Province to the west and Inner Mongolia to the north. Wuzhong City and Guyuan City are respectively situated east and south of it. 

History: Thirty thousand years ago, human settlers lived there. Before the Qin Dynasty (221BC-206BC) established a shire to administrate this area, it was inhabited by ancient ethnic minorities, including Qiang and Rong. By the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), the name of Zhongwei was in use.     

Physical Features: The terrain of Zhongwei declines from the west to the east, and from the south to the north. Mountains and loess hills constitute most of the city's territory. Generally, desert, alluvial plain, terraces, mountains and basin are the main types of the city’s landform. The Yellow River flows through the northwestern part of the city.    

Climate: Zhongwei is located deep in inland China, close to the desert and far away from the sea; hence, it enjoys a semi-arid continental monsoon climate accompanied by desert climate. Its climate features a late spring, a short summer and a long winter. It is windy and there is a lack of rain in this area. June to August is the period during which the majority of a year's rainfall is gathered. 

When to Go: May to October 

Special Local Products: watermelon, pear, apple, medlar, yellow wine, golden thread jujube

Zhongwei city, Ningxia,China - 塞外星 - 自由空间  Attractions:

Shapotou: Located 20 kilometers (12 miles) west of downtown Zhongwei, Shapotou is a 2,000-meter (2,187) long and 100-meter (328 feet) high sand mound on the northern bank of the Yellow River, at the southern edge of the Tengger Desert. It is also an echoing sand mountain, singing as people slide down the slope.   


High Temple (Gao Miao): Located north of old Zhongwei City, the High Temple was a complex of temple architecture first built in the Ming Dynasty. It was renovated during the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). On a 4,100-square meter terrace, more than 260 rooms are constructed, praised as an outstanding representative of Ningxia's ancient architecture. 

Travel Tips:

1. From the Yinchuan bus station at the South Gate, buses to Zhongwei depart once an hour and arrive in about three hours. In addition, direct buses to Shapotou and the High Temple are also available in this bus station as well as in the tourism bus station at the North Gate.

2. Zhongwei Bus Station is located in Chengdong Dajie, Shapotou District. Otherwise, the High Temple is near the railway station, from which the temple can be reached by foot.

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